Soil Remedy


Soil Remedy

from $68.95

Bioremediation of industrial sites and petrochemical spillages often involves microbes that can gorge themselves on the toxic chemicals. Soil Remedy™ is formulated from 33 strains of microorganisms including bacteria and unicellular fungi scientifically selected with known appetites and contaminant degradation capabilities. With not less than 2 billion per milliliter, these organisms are targeted specifically for the treatment of organic contamination such as oils and petroleum based fuels to speed up remediation and put land back into use quickly.

The key step in the degradation of hydrocarbon contaminants depends on the presence of a multi-component enzyme system found in these microorganisms. These optimized microbes are applied to the contamination site or spill in large but controlled volumes and digest their way through the pollutant material, multiplying and digesting until no pollutant remains. Soil Remedy™ microorganisms utilize these unwanted hydrocarbon contaminants as their fuel source. The byproducts are non-toxic carbon dioxide and water, and mineralized matter.

The success of bioremediation ultimately depends on the presence of capable microorganisms, oxygen and nutrients which can be properly “managed” to utilize their capabilities. CoreBiologic™ provides materials and proven solutions for a large range of contaminants in several environmental settings. Quality is essential for optimum results and each strain is tested to ensure effectiveness of every batch. Soil Remedy is safe, natural, and NOT genetically modified.


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