Oil Destroyer™
Natural Microbes + surfactants selected for their ability to Clean up Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Oil, Gasoline, Diesel, Fuel Oil, and more.
Oil Destroyer™ uses specially selected microbes with known appetites targeted to petroleum based hydrocarbons. These microbes help to penetrate deep into the pores of surfaces to degrade a wide range of embedded oils, diesel, gasoline, paraffin, and more. Oil Destroyer™ is safe, natural, and NOT genetically modified.
Applications and Uses
Eats away all types of oil and petroleum product spills on equipment and most hard surfaces. Perfect for cleaning up oil and grease spills around your workshop!
Not for soil bioremediation. If you need to treat soil, see our Soil Remedy product for a surfactant-free version!
Oil and grease spills can collect in the microscopic indentations and fissures on surfaces, making them difficult to completely remove. Oil Destroyer™ sustainable surface cleaning solutions contain surfactants that lift and remove the oil and grease before it soaks in! The beneficial microorganisms penetrate deep into the pores to degrade a wide range of embedded residual soils that conventional cleaning solutions often leave behind.
The key step in the degradation of hydrocarbon contaminants depends on the presence of a multi-component enzyme system found in these microorganisms. These microbes are easily applied to the site or spill and digest their way through the pollutant material, multiplying and digesting until no pollutant remains. Oil Destroyer™ microorganisms utilize these unwanted hydrocarbon contaminants as their fuel source. The byproducts are non-toxic carbon dioxide and water.
- Removes oil spills and grease on hard surfaces.
- Eliminates 100% of other types of cleaners disposal costs.
- Reduces labor time - spray or pour on and let the microbes do the work.
- Non-hazardous, non-corrosive, neutral pH.
- Breaks down gasoline and many other flammable liquids.
- The strongest chemical in the world can’t climb vertically. The bacteria in Oil Destroyer™ are live and will go anywhere there is food. They will remove the gunk other cleaners leave behind.
- Low cost, easy and safe disposal, all natural.
- Cleans oil, tar, hydrocarbon based automotive fluids, ethanol, gas-oil mixtures for small engines, cutting fluids... just to name a few.
- Fresh, Viable, and Natural microbes selected for their capabilities to handle degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons and more.
- Converts hydrocarbons into carbon dioxide, water and biomass.
- It is non-pathogenic, non-toxic, non-carcinogenic and biodegradable.
- Easy to apply.
- Treats a wide range of petroleum-derived products and hydrocarbon wastes, such as crude oil, gasoline, creosote, coal tar, drilling mud, diesel, bunker fuels, kerosene and aromatics
- Available in containers as small as one gallon and as large as 275 gallon totes.
- Spray or pour to saturate the affected area. let sit for several minutes to 30 min. Wipe or rinse off.
- Repeated applications may be necessary depending on contamination levels, soil density, soil weight, and desired time frame for remediation.